Jumat, 04 April 2008


Process style and strategy

Process, strategies, and style are three different things that have their own meaning.

Process is the most general of the three concepts. Process is the characteristic of every human being.

Style is a term that refers to consistent and rather enduring tendencies of preference within individual.

Strategy is specific method of approaching a problem or task, modes of operation for achieving a particular end, planned design for controlling and manipulating certain information.


In 1979 Keefe defined that learning style might be thought of as “cognitive, affective and physiological traits that re relatively stable indicators of how learners perceive interact with, and respond to the learning environment”

Another definition came from Skehan that defined learning style as “a general predisposition, voluntary or not, toward processing information in a particular way.

Learning style mediate between emotion and cognition.


- Field Independence.

Field independence is ability to perceive a particular, relevant item or factor in a “field” of distracting items. A field independent style enables you to distinguish parts from a whole, to concentrate on something (like reading a book in a noisy train station). And the person who predominantly FI tend to be generally more independent, competitive, and self-confident.

Field dependence is, conversely, the tendency to be “dependent” on the total field so that the part embedded within the field are not easily perceived, although that total field is perceive more clearly as unified whole. The synonym of field dependence is field sensitivity, a term that may carry a more positive connotation. And the person who predominantly FD tend to be more socialized, to derive their self-identity from the person around them, and more emphatic and perceptive of the feelings and thoughts of others.

- Left and Right Brain Dominant.

Our brain that we have, divided into two parts. The first is the left brain or the left hemisphere and the second is the right brain or the right hemisphere.

The left hemisphere is associated with logical, analytical thought, with mathematical and linear processing of information.

The right hemisphere perceives and remembers all the visual, tactile, and auditory images.

But, while the differences between both of them, we have to remember that the left and the right hemisphere operate together as a team.

- Ambiguity Tolerance.

The people who are relatively open-minded in accepting ideologies and event and facts that contradicts their own view are: they are ambiguity tolerant

The men, who are more closed-minded and dogmatic, tend to reject items that are contradictory or slightly incongruent with their existing system: they are ambiguity intolerant.

- Reflectivity and Impulsivity.

The children who are conceptually reflective tend to make a fewer errors in reading than impulsive children although the impulsive children are usually faster in reading.

- Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic Styles.

There are some differences between the visual learners, auditory learners and kinesthetic learners.

Visual learners tend to prefer reading and studying charts, drawing, and other graphic information.

Auditory learners prefer listening to lectures and audiotapes.

Kinesthetic learners will show preference for demonstration and physical activity involving bodily movement.


Autonomy, awareness, and action are three things that we have to combining in study. All of them have their own function. The awareness of the student will be relatively useless if there is not action


The field of the second language acquisition has distinguished between two types strategy; Learning strategies and Communication strategies.

Learning Strategies

Typically, strategies were divided into three main categories. They are:

Metacognitive strategies is term used in information-processing theory to indicate an “executive” function, strategies, that involve planning for learning, thinking about the learning process as it is taking place, monitoring of one’s production or comprehension, and evaluating learning after an activity is complete.

Cognitive strategies are more limited to specific learning task and involve more direct manipulation of the learning material itself.

Socioaffective strategies have to do with social-mediating activity and interacting with others.

Communication Strategies

If the learning strategies deal with receptive domain of intake, memory. Storage and recall. The communication strategies pertain to the employment of verbal and non-verbal mechanism for the productive communication of information.

Faerch and Kasper defined communication strategies as potentially conscious plans for solving what to individual presents itself as problem in reaching in particular communicative goal.

Avoidance Strategies

Avoidance is a common communication strategy that can be broken into several subcategories. The most common type of avoidance strategy is syntactic or lexical avoidance.

Another type of avoidance strategy is phonological avoidance. It is also common use. Example in Japan which word rally changed with hit the ball. Because, the word rally is difficult to be mentioned by them

Compensatory Strategies

There are eleven strategy types of compensatory strategies.

- Circumlocution

- Approximation

- Use of all-purpose words

- Word coinage

- Prefabricated patterns

- Nonlinguistic signals

- Literal translation

- Foreignizing

- Code-switching

- Appeal for help

- Stalling or time-gaining strategies


Strategies-based instruction or BSD made to emphasize the productive link between styles and strategies. Explicit instruction is more effective than simply asking student to use one ore strategies and also foster metacognition student’s ability to understand their own thinking and learning processes.

By: Syamsul Arief. Ghalib

Plato not Prozac



Pengarang : Lou Marinoff, Ph. D

Penerjemah : Kris Pangabean

Penerbit : TERAJU

Tempat Terbit : Jakarta Selatan

Tahun Terbit : 2003

Cetakan : I (Pertama)

Tebal : 398 halaman

Entah pada umur keberapa dalam sisa hidupnya, seorang Socrates dengan keyakinannya yang melambung tinggi dengan lantangnya mengatakan bahwa hidup yang bermakna memerlukan pemeriksaan filosofis. Bagi seorang Socrates, “hidup yang tidak dikaji adalah hidup yang tidak layak dihidupi”. Dalam hal ini, Socrates percaya bahwa ada khasiat tersembunyi filsafat bagi kehidupan sehari-hari. Khasiat yang ampuh bagi kehidupan manusia dalam menghadapi problematika kehidupan.Meskipun pada kenyatannya, ilmu filsafat itu terkesan abstrak.

Hidup di dunia modern seperti yang kita alami saat ini, secara mendasar tak lebih dari sebuah dunia yang paradoks. Dunia yang begitu megah dengan segala kemajuannya sekaligus pula dengan segala problematika patologis manusia. Tampa keraguan, manusia merasakan kehidupannya yang lebih mudah dan sejahtera dikarenakan kemajuan ekonomi dan tekhnologi yang terus-menerus tampa henti. Namun , pada saat yang sama, kemajuan ini pula yang menjadikan manusia tidak bahagia dan kehilangan akan makna hidupnya.

Bertolak dari kenyataan yang terjadi, serta keyakinan Socrates akan keampuhan filsafat inilah, maka seorang Lou Marinoff kemudian mencoba menyusun buku ini. “PLATO NOT PROZAC !” adalah sebuah contoh buku yang mampu membuka pemikiran kita semua, yang selama ini beranggapan bahwa filsafat adalah dunia yang mengawang-awang, rumit, dan abstrak.

Dengan gayanya yang lugas, Marinoff kemudian menjelaskan tentang banyaknya permasalahan yang dialami oleh manusia modern yang hidup saat ini.Dan untuk mengatasi semua permasalahan-permasalahan itu manusia tidaklah membutuhkan obat penenang semacam “prozac” agar membuatnya tentram. Atau paling tidak melupakan sementara problematika yang dihapainya. Namun, yang dibutuhkan sebenarnya menurut Marinoff adalah Filfsafat. Dan olehnya itulah, maka Marinoff kemudian menyebut bukunya “Plato not Prozac”.

Makna sebenarnya dari Plato not Prozac adalah, segala problematika kehidupan yang selama ini kita hadapi dapat ditangani melalui ajaran-ajaran Plato dan Filosof-filosof lainnya. Bukan dengan mengkonsumsi obat-obat penenang yang hargnya dapat mencapai ratusan bahkan jutaan Dollar.

Akan muncul banyak hal yang dapat membuat kita tercengang-cengang di saat kita membaca buku ini. Ataupun banyak hal baru yang dapat diketahui dengan kehadiran buku ini. Bagaimana filsafat dapat membantu kita dalam menangani sebuah masalah, ataupun bagaimana kedudukan filsafat di dalam hidup ini,adalah sebagian kecil dari isi buku ini yang seharusnya kita tidak lewatkan.

Singkatnya, apa yang ditekankan Marinoff, tidak lebih dari sebuah usaha untuk dapat menjadikan filsafat dapat mampu bersaing dengan psikologi sebagai ilmu terapeutis. Atau dapat dikatakan sebagai usaha untuk kembali pada semangat filsafat klasik di mana berfilsafat lebih dianggap sebagai suatu seni kehidupan.

By :

Syamsul Arief. G


Method in Teaching language

Summary of TEFL/TESOL

Created by: Syamsul Arief. G

Audio Lingual Method

. Characteristics.

1. Comprehension of dialogs.

2. Native speaker.

3. Using target language

4. The use of audiovisual equipment like picture, tape or realia.

. Strength.

1. This method focus in L2.

2. The student can master the lesson.

3. Good pronunciation and so much vocabulary.

. Weakness.

1. By using this method continually, students will be bored.

2. Must be taught by the Native speaker.

Community Language Learning

. Characteristics.

1. Conversation.

2. Humanistic approaches.

3. Small group tasks.

. Strength.

1. Make the students to be creative in expressing their idea.

2. The teacher is the motivator and an advisor for the students.

3. Student can share their idea with another student by using the target.

4. The teacher is a partner for the student.

. Weakness.

1. The teacher is the person who knows about psychology.

2. The shy student will get the problem with this method.

Total Physical Response

. Characteristics.

1. Speaking with an action.

2. Using authentic material.

3. More communicative.

4. The teacher has to be an active teacher.

. Strength.

1. It is a good method for building vocabulary.

2. The learners are more active by speaking

3. This method is effective for children and adults.

. Weakness.

1. Lack of spelling.

2. The class situation depends on the teacher. If the teacher is not active, it will be problem.


. Characteristics.

1. Using music.

2. Comfortable situation.

3. Arrangement of the classroom.

4. Decoration and furniture.

5. Limited student.

. Strength.

1. The situation of study is more comfortable because supported by the arrangement of the classroom.

2. The teacher is the professional teacher.

3. The learners can study effectively because there is no so much crowded.

4. This method is not a boring method.

. Weakness.

1. This method is an expensive method.

2. The music will be the problem for the student who doe not like to hear that.

Communicative Language Teaching

. Characteristics.

1. Divided into strong version and weak version.

2. Using authentic material.

3. The syllabus based on the communicative approaches.

4. Problem solving

. Strength.

1. Increasing vocabularies

2. Using authentic materials and realia.

3, The Student is able to communicate by using L2.

. Weakness.

1. The method is not focus in one material.

2. It is not quite easy to find the authentic material that related to the topic study.

Silent way

. Characteristics.

1. Using chart wooden cliff.

2. This method uses color charts and colored Cuisenaire rods.

3. Focus is pronunciation.

. Strength.

1. The method makes the student more creative.

. Weakness.

1. Lack of grammar.

2. Confusing method

3. It can be used the children.

Grammar Translation Method

. Characteristics.

1. Reading and writing.

2. Translating one language to the target language.

3. Grammar is taught deductively.

. Strength.

1. The students can be the master of grammar.

2. The students can translate the language.

. Weakness.

1. It is a boring method for the students who do not like to learn about grammar.

2. The student will get the problem to communicate with the foreigner

Natural Approach

. Characteristics.

1. Focus on second language acquisition

2. Comprehension and meaningful communication.

3. Using the target language.

. Strength.

1. The method can be elected with another method.

2. The system of study by combining between the native language and the target language.

. Weakness.

1. There is no feed back between student and the teacher.

2. Lack of grammar

Direct Method

. Characteristics.

1. Using the target language.

2. Based on the situation syllabi.

3. The grammar taught inductively.

4. Using realia

. Strength.

1. The student can communicate by using the target language.

2. There is the combining between reading, listening, writing, and speaking.

. Weakness.

1. There is no task book.

2. The teacher has to be the creative person.

Senin, 25 Juni 2007

Apa Belajar Grammar itu penting?


We do realize that learning grammar in English is so important. It taught us how to make a good sentence or the right sentence. By learning grammar we can understand the situation that we talk. We used the preterit, to make the past sentence and we use the infinitive to make a present sentence. But, there is a complicated thing that will happen when we learn grammar so seriously. Grammar will make us to be carefully and scared in speaking English. There are so many people understood about grammar but they can speak with the foreigner. And it is like the people who master in martial art, but they do nothing when someone hit or kick them. Sometime, if we want to talk with the foreigner, we need a lot of times to say “How long have you been here?” We need to think it first. Because, we are afraid to be wrong in speak. We ask in our heart, Is it past, present, future or continues tense. And this situation will make the foreigner boring to speak with us. The foreigners talk to us very fast and we talk to them very slow. We have to know that there are so many people in English do not understand very well about grammar. And funnily, we want to talk with them by using a perfect grammar. The reality shows that the foreigner who were born in English, speaking English without the perfect grammar. Sometimes, they talk by using an error grammar. For example: “it don’t matter”. If we investigate this sentence, it is wrong in grammar but the problem, the native speakers talk using that sentence. Another problem, if we ask them about the grammar they really do not understand about that. So, in this case, we can make a conclusion that grammar is not the first thing if we want to speak with the foreigner. Without thinking grammar in your own brain you can talk freely without feeling guilty inside. And the formulas to master in speaking are vocabulary and the high self confidence to practice. Because practice can make perfect. Exception, if you want to be a teacher or the master of English Grammar who can not speak in English very well, you have to learn grammar so seriously.